package { import caurina.transitions.Tweener; import caurina.transitions.Equations; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFormat; import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter; // import charts.Elements.Element; import com.serialization.json.JSON; import string.Utils; import string.Css; import object_helper; import charts.series.has_tooltip; public class Tooltip extends Sprite { // JSON style: private var style:Object; private var tip_style:Number; private var cached_elements:Array; private var tip_showing:Boolean; public var tip_text:String; public static const CLOSEST:Number = 0; public static const PROXIMITY:Number = 1; public static const NORMAL:Number = 2; // normal tooltip (ugh -- boring!!) public function Tooltip( json:Object ) { // // we don't want mouseOver events for the // tooltip or any children (the text fields) // this.mouseEnabled = false; this.tip_showing = false; = { shadow: true, rounded: 6, stroke: 2, colour: '#808080', background: '#f0f0f0', title: "color: #0000F0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12;", body: "color: #000000; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12;", mouse: Tooltip.CLOSEST, text: "_default" }; if( json ) { = object_helper.merge( json, ); } = Utils.get_colour( ); = Utils.get_colour( ); = new Css( ); = new Css( ); this.tip_style =; this.tip_text =; this.cached_elements = []; if( ) { var dropShadow:DropShadowFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(); dropShadow.blurX = 4; dropShadow.blurY = 4; dropShadow.distance = 4; dropShadow.angle = 45; dropShadow.quality = 2; dropShadow.alpha = 0.5; // apply shadow filter this.filters = [dropShadow]; } } public function make_tip( elements:Array ):void {; while( this.numChildren > 0 ) this.removeChildAt(0); var height:Number = 0; var x:Number = 5; for each ( var e:has_tooltip in elements ) { var o:Object = this.make_one_tip(e, x); height = Math.max(height, o.height); x += o.width + 2; },, 1);, 1); 0,0, width+10, height + 5,, ); } private function make_one_tip( e:has_tooltip, x:Number ):Object { var tt:String = e.get_tooltip(); var lines:Array = tt.split( '
' ); var top:Number = 5; var width:Number = 0; if ( lines.length > 1 ) { var title:TextField = this.make_title(lines.shift()); title.mouseEnabled = false; title.x = x; title.y = top; top += title.height; width = title.width; this.addChild( title ); } var text:TextField = this.make_body(lines.join( '\n' )); text.mouseEnabled = false; text.x = x; text.y = top; width = Math.max( width, text.width ); this.addChild( text ); top += text.height; return {width:width, height:top}; } private function make_title( text:String ):TextField { var title:TextField = new TextField(); title.mouseEnabled = false; title.htmlText = text; /* * * Start thinking about just using html formatting * instead of text format below. We could do away * with the title textbox entirely and let the user * use: * title stuff
Here is the value * */ var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); fmt.color =; fmt.font = "Verdana"; fmt.bold = ("bold"); fmt.size =; fmt.align = "right"; title.setTextFormat(fmt); title.autoSize = "left"; return title; } private function make_body( body:String ):TextField { var text:TextField = new TextField(); text.mouseEnabled = false; text.htmlText = body; var fmt2:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); fmt2.color =; fmt2.font = "Verdana"; fmt2.bold = ("bold"); fmt2.size =; fmt2.align = "left"; text.setTextFormat(fmt2); text.autoSize="left"; return text; } private function get_pos( e:has_tooltip ):flash.geom.Point { var pos:Object = e.get_tip_pos(); var x:Number = (pos.x + this.width + 16) > this.stage.stageWidth ? (this.stage.stageWidth - this.width - 16) : pos.x; var y:Number = pos.y; y -= 4; y -= (this.height + 10 ); // 10 == border size if( y < 0 ) { // the tooltip has drifted off the top of the screen, move it down: y = 0; } return new flash.geom.Point(x, y); } private function show_tip( e:has_tooltip ):void { // remove the 'hide' tween Tweener.removeTweens( this ); var p:flash.geom.Point = this.get_pos( e ); if ( == Tooltip.CLOSEST ) { // // make the tooltip appear (if invisible) // and shoot to the correct position // this.visible = true; this.alpha = 1 this.x = p.x; this.y = p.y; } else { // make the tooltip fade in gently this.tip_showing = true; tr.ace('show'); this.alpha = 0 this.visible = true; this.x = p.x; this.y = p.y; Tweener.addTween( this, { alpha:1, time:0.4, transition:Equations.easeOutExpo } ); } } public function draw( e:has_tooltip ):void { if ( this.cached_elements[0] == e ) { // if the tip is showing, don't make it // show again because this makes it flicker if( !this.tip_showing ) this.show_tip(e); } else { // this is a new tooltip, tell // the old highlighted item to // return to ground state this.untip(); // get the new text and recreate it this.cached_elements = [e]; this.make_tip( [e] ); this.show_tip(e); } } public function closest( elements:Array ):void { if( elements.length == 0 ) return; if( this.is_cached( elements ) ) return; this.untip(); this.cached_elements = elements; this.tip(); // //tr.ace( 'make new tooltip' ); //tr.ace( Math.random() ); // this.make_tip( elements ); var p:flash.geom.Point = this.get_pos( elements[0] ); this.visible = true; Tweener.addTween(this, { x:p.x, time:0.3, transition:Equations.easeOutExpo } ); Tweener.addTween(this, { y:p.y, time:0.3, transition:Equations.easeOutExpo } ); } // // TODO: if elements has 1 item and cached_elements has 2 // one of which is in elements, this function // returns true which is wrong // private function is_cached( elements:Array ):Boolean { if ( this.cached_elements.length == 0 ) return false; for each( var e:has_tooltip in elements ) if ( this.cached_elements.indexOf(e) == -1 ) return false; return true; } private function untip():void { for each( var e:has_tooltip in this.cached_elements ) e.set_tip( false ); } private function tip():void { for each( var e:has_tooltip in this.cached_elements ) e.set_tip( true ); } private function hideAway() : void { this.visible = false; this.untip(); this.cached_elements = new Array(); this.alpha = 1; } public function hide():void { this.tip_showing = false; tr.ace('hide tooltip'); Tweener.addTween(this, { alpha:0, time:0.6, transition:Equations.easeOutExpo, onComplete:hideAway } ); } public function get_tip_style():Number { return this.tip_style; } public function set_tip_style( i:Number ):void { this.tip_style = i; } public function die():void { this.filters = [];; while( this.numChildren > 0 ) this.removeChildAt(0); = null; this.cached_elements = null; } } }