package charts { import charts.series.Element; import charts.series.dots.PointDotBase; import charts.series.dots.Point; import string.Utils; import flash.display.BlendMode; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.display.Sprite; import charts.series.dots.DefaultDotProperties; public class Area extends Line { private var fill_colour:Number; private var area_base:Number; public function Area( json:Object ) { super(json); var fill:String; if (json.fill) fill = json.fill; else fill = json.colour; this.fill_colour = string.Utils.get_colour(fill); } public override function resize( sc:ScreenCoordsBase ): void { var right_axis:Boolean = false; if ( props.has('axis') ) if ( props.get('axis') == 'right' ) right_axis = true; // save this position this.area_base = sc.get_y_bottom(right_axis); // let line deal with the resize super.resize(sc); } // // this is called from both resize and the animation manager, // protected override function draw(): void {; this.fill_area(); // draw the line on top of the area (z axis) this.draw_line(); } private function fill_area():void { var last:Element; var first:Boolean = true; var tmp:Sprite; for ( var i:Number = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++ ) { tmp = this.getChildAt(i) as Sprite; // filter out the masks if( tmp is Element ) { var e:Element = tmp as Element; if( first ) { first = false; if (this.props.get('loop')) { // assume we are in a radar chart e.x, e.y ); } else { // draw line from Y=0 up to Y pos e.x, this.area_base ); } // // TO FIX BUG: you must do a graphics.moveTo before // starting a fill: //,0,0); this.fill_colour, this.props.get('fill-alpha') ); if (!this.props.get('loop')) e.x, e.y ); } else { e.x, e.y ); last = e; } } } if ( last != null ) { if ( !this.props.get('loop')) { last.x, this.area_base ); } }; } } }