<%@ Language="PerlScript"%> <% # For this test you must have an iis webserver with the perlscript dll installed as a language. # Also you'll need the open-flash-chart.swf file and the open_flash_chart.pm files together with this one # use strict; our ($Server, $Request, $Response); use lib $Server->mappath('.'); use open_flash_chart; my $g = chart->new(); my $y_axis = $g->get_axis('y_axis'); $g->{'chart_props'}->{'tooltip'} = {'text'=>'Hollow Tip #val#
I See...'}; my $e = $g->get_element('area'); my $data = []; for( my $i=0; $i<5; $i++ ) { push ( @$data, rand(20) ); } $e->set_values($data, 0); $y_axis->add_element($e); my $f = $g->get_element('area'); $data = []; for( my $i=0; $i<5; $i++ ) { push ( @$data, rand(40) ); } $f->set_values($data, 0); $f->set_dot_style({'type'=>'hollow-dot', 'colour'=>'#a44a80', 'dot-size'=>3, 'tip'=>'#val#
#x_label#'}); $y_axis->add_element($f); %> OFC Test Suite - PERL

Area Hollow Test

<% $Response->write($g->render_swf({'width'=>600, 'height'=>400})); $Response->write('

Should plot 1 plain line with area shaded and one line-dot with area shaded.

'); %>