Run Number : 82113     Status : Uncertain 

Start Time : 2024-04-22 08:56:26    End Time : 2024-04-22 10:16:00

Total number of Events : 1951182     initialied beam energy : 0.942378GeV

Magnet Current : 3369.7607A     Lum(Begin Run) : 37401.348     Lum(End Run) : 37401.371

Run Task : R-QCD     beam type : collision

HIT_MAP : Normal

HV : Abnormal
      MUON : Trip in slot 14, ch 2 and (ch 9? not sure) after about 35 minutes. 2 more trips in ch 2 in the rest of run. Each time, Hv system reset and ramped up again.

Other Problems : NO

Other comment :

Shift Chief : Christoph Rosner    2024-04-22 10:18:48