Run Number : 82157     Status : Uncertain 

Start Time : 2024-04-25 07:55:14    End Time : 2024-04-25 08:09:20

Total number of Events : 507477     initialied beam energy : 0.942378GeV

Magnet Current : 3369.7065A     Lum(Begin Run) : 37402.023     Lum(End Run) : 37402.043

Run Task : R-QCD     beam type : collision

HIT_MAP : Normal

HV : Normal

Other Problems :
      Daq crash at end of run (~8:57 h). However, online end of run time is 8:09h, only 14 minutes runtime. -> earlier DAQ problem without error message? Online luminosity display normal throughout the run

Other comment :

Shift Chief : Christoph Rosner    2024-04-25 09:14:16