Developer: chenml
HomePage | RunInfo | Configuration | Calibration | PED | EMC Gain | DataFlow | OnlineLum | Hardware Config | Login | Contacts | 2025/03/07
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Welcome to BESIII DAQ Web Server
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>>Search hardware Configuration Information
Information of BESIII DAQ Web Server

About the Project

This web server provide to visit the information stored in the DAQ database. Including the 'Run Params', 'Data storage information', 'DAQ configuration information', 'DAQ dataflow information', 'Electronics calibration&ped information', 'detector<->electronics<->DAQ channel information' and so on. For everyone, you can browse all information in this web but some adminitor's function. For the advanced function, you must be log in.

The navigation bar:
RunInfo --> Run Params, Data storage information
Configuration --> DAQ configuration information. Including the showing, comparing and dumping(adminitor) of the configuration information.
Calibration --> Electronics calibration information. Including showing in the graphics and digital mode and checking the runnumber which calibration's constants will be used in the next run.
PED --> Electronics PED information. Including showing in the graphics and digital mode and checking the runnumber which PED's constants will be used in the next run.
EMC Gain --> EMC Gain information. Including showing emc gain information and checking the runnumber which EMC Gain's constants will be used in the next run.
DataFlow --> The dataflow information of BESIII DAQ software.
OnlineLum --> The onlinelum information of BESIII DAQ software.
Hardware Config --> The channel corresponding information between detector,electronics and DAQ configuration.